Saturday, March 6, 2010


  Maleen wasn't in a great or even a good mood when I left her at the hotel with my sisters.
Apparently her mood did not improve!

 Apparently these boys attempted a little wrestling while they waited.
  Fenn was not amused by his wedding attire.

Steve's nieces and nephew did not appear to have any
"behavioral issues"  I asked his sisters if they wanted to trade.

Steve had a LOT of friends come in from out of town to help them celebrate!

Let me start by saying THANK YOU to Mel, Rachel, Nicole, Jenny and Gib.  They got left with the responsibility of getting all of the kids ready and to the temple on time as well as picking up and delivering the "walking flowers" and then watching all the kids while they waited for us to come out of the temple.

Rachel got stuck with the responsibility of picking up and delivering the walking flowers.  We could tell from the beginning this was something she did NOT want to do.  But because she is Rachel (totally willing to lend a hand and to nice to say no) she said that she would do it.  Well right before she was ready to leave She started bawling.  She did not know where to pick up the flowers, where to deliver them, where to park, and quite frankly did not want the responsibility of screwing it up.  This is not typical for Rachel.  So we ALL went  into how can we fix this for her mode.  It was decided that Rachel would pick up the flowers and come back to the hotel.  Where she and Mel would load them into the Suburban and drive them over to the temple.  Problem solved... we thought.  

Rachel later admitted that after pulling herself together in the hotel she got in her car and had another breakdown.  It had finally hit her that Lynlee was getting married...Her Lynlee, "You know it has always been Lynlee and Rachel and now she is getting married."  I could relate to that feeling and I lost it for her. Mine happened the day Melissa left for BYU without a dout one of the worst days of my life.  I am crying just thinking about it (embaressing but true).  Loveing someone so much is just part of being a sisiter.


Lynlee said...

Dont even worry that I am sitting at the military section of the airport in LA and am in full on tears, not just one glistening tear but full on multiple tears rolling down my face. Steve just turned to me and said "whats wrong? Why are you crying, what happened?" I couldn't even respond.

Nicole said...

I love all the wedding blogs. I struggle reading them because I cry..and not just a little! ALSO, that picture of me wih hysterical Maleen is terrible!!