Friday, March 12, 2010

I'll Take That Dare Mel...

And I double dog dare the rest of you!
 Let's just get the most horrifying ones done right from the get go.
I will begin Spring Cleaning Monday and this is my first project.
Wish me luck!

 Catch-all and soon to be Maleen or Marcu's Room (haven't decided yet)
Need I say more?

It looks worse in the pictures I swear! 
 I had to throw these ones in for my own self-esteem!
 Yes, Maleen and Hazel emptied out half the wipes, all the diapers and most of the shoes.
Isn't the point of a play room to keep the mess in one place?
Yes that is a bouncy chair and a shot gun on my bathroom counter.
Doesn't everyone keep those on hand in the bathroom?

Yes, I was blog stocking when I happened upon Mel's Dare.
Why you may wonder when my house looks like this?  
I'm asking myself that same question right now!

1 comment:

Julie said...

No, I will be the one to throw some on that will help your self-esteem, Kate!! Trust me, the day is coming.