Sunday, February 21, 2010


Has completely taken over our lives.  We talk the talk with each other and with everyone we know (we have a lot of friends on the P90X journey).  We compare moves.  Marcus can do an amazing number of Heart to Heart push-ups.  I on the other had can't do any.

Marcus has developed a deep love for Tony Horton.  We were listening to K-LOVE the other day on the Radio and Marcus told me to stop talking because he thought he heard Tony Horton.  Sure enough Tony was a guest on the show.

P90X has also given Marcus some career goals.  The other night he told me, "Mom, I'm going to make a P90X for kids.  It is going to be super hard and they are really going to have to bring it!"

1 comment:

Coach Anna Gray said...

Your household sounds like mine. I have completed 2 rounds of p90x and my girls act like Tony is one of the family. Congratulations on starting, it has changed my life (you can see my results on my site). If you ever have any questions about it also, please let me know. I also am an adoptive mother (2 girls from China). I love your quotes on your page. I look forward to following your journey!!